Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So this is my first vent on here (I think)... I've noticed this is gettin some traffic (yay) but this is more for me.

So its almost 4am and I'm still stuck on the fact that I probabily won't have gifts for family this year and when I woke up I woke up to hubby dearest collecting, yet again, more porn. (Yes, I'm in porn so why should I care?) But its the fact I was in the other room when he was doing so. This is the only sore point we have but its so bad for me that its stuck with me all day. I know, let it go, I wish it was that simple. I don't really like what I see in the mirror (even tho yall do, which I appreciate) and its even harder to like it when hes sittin there drooling over some skinny girl. I used to be that skinny girl, then he knocked me up.

Hate to burden everyone with that. I'll post my before and after pics so yall can see. Ok, so I can't find any right now.....

On a positive note I will be on cam Wednesday night (yay) so come see me


Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy December!

Here we are, the last month of 2011! Awesome concert last night and can't wait to post pictures. The bands were awesome and I was lucky enough to get some pictures with a very beautiful and sexy lady and pictures of the band. I now have 3 new favorite bands. For all of those out there... Mushroom Head is a band WORTH SEEING!! Most bands don't know how to put on a show but WOW they do and so do the other bands. I took about 100 pictures but not posting them all.... only a few.

xoxox always, let the devil horns fly

 One Eyed Doll

 Isn't she cute

 Mushroom Head

 Mushroom Head

More pictures to come! All pictures taken by my camera phone :( Hate the quality is so poor